Friday, January 6, 2012


It is often said that there are only 24 hours in a day.  I get that.  There are literally 24 hours (plus a little which makes us have leap day every 4 years, but I digress) in every day.

But not all of those hours are available to us to accomplish our goals. 

We have to take time to eat.  We have to sleep. Some of us have to take time to work (and get ready for work and drive to work, etc.).

But what about the things that, while not necessarily "required" of us, we consider to be non-negotiable?

Some may feel that a certain amount of time spent reading daily is non-negotiable.  Others may feel that a certain television show is important enough that they would include it as a non-negotiable.  Still others would include exercise time as a non-negotiable.

A long time ago, I read somewhere that if you schedule time for yourself as you would an appointment on your calendar, you're more likely to keep your commitment to yourself. True? I don't know.  But it does make me think.

So what if we subtract out all the hours that are taken by the things that we absolutely must do. What's left in the "budget"?

What if we started using that new number as our "There are only x hours in a day" number? Would we realize how precious those hours are? Would we value those hours more because there are fewer of them?

I don't know.  I won't even pretend like I know.  But this whole thing has me thinking . . .

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